@skeevis Oh yea wich ones? I’m a Threadless junkie.
@MattBowen or just install MeetroDC on your phone and check it before you leave.
@charliepark Sounds like a complex task without spitting out dumb sounding grammar: “Hey what are you using?” => what are you use?
@MattBowen tree style tabs? It’s hard to picture that.
@chriscoyier Please feel free to redesign my site bit.ly/8S6nco
@yesterdaysjam You mean there is snow under there? I thought they were big piles of black and gray dirt.
@jessabean Do the fun things first! That’s how devs operate.
@msinkiat Thanks traffic reporter Matt. I hate Georgia ave.
@jessabean Heck yea you do. That is where my fiance got her dress russellandkristina.com/blog/2009…
@mattbango Pat yourself on the back, Imitation is the sincerest of flattery. Seriously, it doesn’t look like a direct rip, just a sim. logo.
@MotoMobile Why not 2.1 for the CLIQ?
@BatteryGenius My battery in my Nexus One lasts a long time.
@eighty5original BANG!
@grobertson Buy unlocked, it’s cheaper over 2 years and more flexible. Just higher cost upfront.
@tmonews Does the Nexus One count?
@jgarber Will you be writing songs about the missing mullet?
@frankjonen I use Nambu for that exact reason. Its OK, their last update introduced some odd features.
@NexusOneBlog I do.
@msinkiat Happy birfday.
@kristenlubbe Maybe he’s a cat.