@CasualRepartee Yea but they have option for no contract, which is awesome!
@farrelley redirect to /index.php?error=404
@marcelmoreau Try holding shift and pressing refresh?
@randallb Your JavaScript hacks sound intriguing from afar.
@xxCGxx CEO CG should read this bit.ly/2bbK85
@freshgreens Woop! Woop! Pew Research
@farrelley It wants a string, but I want to send an object to be used within the callback function kinda like this bit.ly/3sGOC8
@amandaw33 I’m waiting for some hands on reviews but it sounds like a great device. HTC Dragon too tr.im/CBy7
@Grooveshark I like the new Favicon #gsvip
@chriscoyier Tell them you will add a plugin for that if they can’t express specifics they want.
@itsrayshelle Forget the moment, I’ve got tweets to read!
@epalf 3.7? Weird milestone to celebrate
@itsrayshelle Everything on the Internet is free
@renano You should listen to the interview with the creator of runpee.com bit.ly/2WhImy
@tmonews You were picked up by engadget
@BlankSky I’ve had the haymaker shirt since June. Got it at the handmade craft fair in Silver Spring bit.ly/3WisLC
@brownpau Talk about vague writing, I couldn’t pull out any coherent ideas from that sphere er… superhace blog post.
@epalf Talk to @naudebynature she has a treasure trove of them
@Whitmoyer Kudos on the rebrand. I really like it.