@eighty5original Except their fab used cars don’t make my van worth 3x more than usual.
@eighty5original Except their fab used cars don’t make my van worth 3x more than usual.
@WilHarris The doubleclick code also looks like its cutting edge 2001 tech. Not fun for a web developer as well.
@eighty5original Why would you give a stranger a diamond? even if she is nice.
@marcelmoreau You mean like this? photoshopkillertips.com/archives…
@mikekus How are those Sennheiser’s comfort wise? I got Sony MDR-V6 that I wear all day and they feel great. is.gd/2otoU
@MattBowen Present.ly? bit.ly/YnfwX
@chriscoyier I believe the word you’re looking for is “defubarred” as in: “Not everything is defubarred yet”
@whafro Agree, phone is a last resort for me too. Would rather meet in person than deal with an issue over the phone.
@xxCGxx Is it this place? lmdagency.com/
@xxCGxx Nope, just came across it in my travels on the interwebz. They have a nice looking site.
@jason_reed The highlight of my weekend was setting up an SVN server. I know how you feel.
@kristenlubbe I’d be more afraid of taking in stray animals than sharks.
@joyphillip Thanks I figured it out eventually though the Reading settings are a bit confusing. Here is how I did it bit.ly/1pzjt
@epalf Talk about how much you hate men, or a race, or some religious denomination.
@marcelmoreau Want to control the index page with wordpress. Better description bit.ly/133O1C
@marcelmoreau I figured out my weird WordPress issue by tweaking the Reading settings. Full explanation is.gd/2j6yP
@mazelife You’re working on a #drupal site? I don’t believe it.
@Grooveshark Glad to be a part of the first users.
@LaurenFieldy bit.ly/89R29
All about hash tags on Twitter. Checkout search.twitter.com too
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.