@JoAnnStilley Yea they are loud. It’s pretty neat to see how they make the noise youtube.com/watch?v=R-nxPvIQHf0
@mattcampux So good. They had a series called Ice Planet 2002 that came out in 1993. The future obviously didn’t pan out that well.
@mattcampux Nope. I’m out. I get squeamish in the back seat of a pickup truck.
@ppk I would always use overflow:auto; to clear floats
@JoAnnStilley I wish. I saw that on Reddit.
@magicroundabout I feel like it didn’t live up to the hype because it was supposed to revolutionize media but they kept going through CEOs and could never gain mass adoption. wired.com/2017/01/the-inside-sto…
@magicroundabout I remember it was the only way to share large files in the early 2000’s. It enabled early podcasters and media creators until bandwidth became cheap enough to serve a larger audience.
@magicroundabout BitTorrent
@Rmmmsy My wife got these too. Mine are still the old boring outline ones
@m_uysl Yea I think that would just make my poor little $6 VPS hurt more. The cached requests are trending in the right direction.
My server is just sitting there twiddling its thumbs today. I guess all the bots in China went home for the weekend…
@m_uysl LOL it wasn’t running that well earlier this week. It now runs through Cloudflare. No wonder my CPU was pegged 100% all the time…
@aaronbrazell @williamsba Was it WordCamp Midatlantic? russellheimlich.com/blog/wordcam… That was was my first WordCamp ever!
@tapps You should be able to cash in your Likes for a plushie
@keithdevon @photomatt @mikelittlezed1 We would all be using Drupal.
@naudebynature found the kids a jungle gym dome for FREE. Yes we drove it home like that.
@gijovarghese141 Advanced Custom Fields. I brushed it off for the longest time but it’s a top notch WordPress product
@freshyill I’ve got a UPS for the networking stuff, my computers, and my TV. Pretty sure the internet went out since the FiOS Ethernet converter thingy is plugged into the wall. Whatever. 5G worked.
@AdeyLady123 I think “interval” sounds better.
@freshyill Mine did.