@jyoung1024 To center a div; #mydiv {margin:0 auto; width:400px} The width is the important part.
@jyoung1024 To center a div; #mydiv {margin:0 auto; width:400px} The width is the important part.
@CasualRepartee Here you go, University of Baltimore Law School ranking details: tr.im/jtO5
@yesterdaysjam Wow not only do you live in my Zip Code but you also frequent Georgetown alot? I bet you’re talking about Ice Berry on M.
@Koolsmom Hi mom!
@LaurenFieldy I totally saw that show. Isn’t it weird to not know you’re pregnant? Freaky deaky!
@CasualRepartee Um.. no we didn’t. We launch grad rankings tomorrow eveining.
@kathkat15 Can’t wait. I’ll be there!
@eighty5original Ooh, where’s your registry at? I gotta get in on the rediculous merchandise before you take it all away.
@charliepark You mean this? w3.org/TR/WCAG-TECHS/H43.html Seems like there is a better way. I’d ask @jfciii
@CasualRepartee I’ve been liking @nambu a lot. I don’t get why everyone is so excited about Tweetie.
@charliepark Yea, really wordy. Would be nice if you they added a picture or two into the mix.
@randallb Speaking of TV’s on phones, did you see this? is.gd/tsZ0
@epalf Maybe someone in Stamp is wearing a bacon bra? is.gd/tt3m
@farrelley Expression Enginge
@creativegent HTML5 is working draft though some parts will be finished before other. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML_5
@creativegent I do small front end stuff on the side (HTML/CSS/JS) but I’ve got a full time gig @usnews
@rinibikini Nope, my mom doesn’t tweet but she follows my updates. Mom: This is Aunt Lennelle.
@kingkool68 was here before @oprah herebeforeoprah.com #herebeforeoprah
@kingkool68 was here before a lot of people on Twitter.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.