@zappos Don’t get rid of explore.zappos.com I really like it for browsing shoes.
@snowpunk Have you ever seen the Yeah Yeah Yeah’s in concert? The lead singer likes to deep throat the mic while wailing. A must-see.
@creativegent Not really, XHTML has fallen short of it’s promises. It’s all anout HTML5 now.
@madcatdisease Ha no! I was not the sweaty white guy dancing. I’m a wall flower out in public.
@randallb You can always come up to Maryland for a change of pace.
@farrelley Hey I was hunting wedding photographers last week. You’re probably covering a different area though. Good luck with the search.
@CupcakeCampDC A cupcake camp? Awesome idea. All you can eat cupcakes!
@naudebynature Then why don’t you follow @kaneshow
@eighty5original Sounds like you’re gonna be locked away for awhile reading books.
@seclarke Oh, America’s Best Grad Schools launches next week? I guess I should get started…
@MattBowen Man i’ve been thinking about simple systems too. Seems like an urban legend.
@naudebynature’s Frozen Chocolate Cookie Cake is.gd/s3SU is delicious!
@craigbirchler text-decoration:blink; AHHHHH!
@jonfisher I see a call to images/footerBG.png which doesn’t exist in your images folder. Other than that I don’t see any other bg img prob.
@jfc3 Try this /<p>(w*sw*)</p>/ig, “<h3>$1</h3>” Test here design215.com/toolbox/regexp.php
@yesterdaysjam Hey I’m in 20906 too!
@Jelly_Sandwich Start here -> w3schools.com/
@saip106 I wouldn’t say don’t use @Import for CSS, just don’t mix <link> and @Import. tr.im/ivdO