@seclarke You should play around with @brownpau’s ipod touch when he gets back.
@seclarke You should play around with @brownpau’s ipod touch when he gets back.
@seclarke What’s an iTouch? You mean iPod Touch?
@grobertson @film_girl You guys are really weird.
@Jason_Reed re: inspiring tab navigation:check out this interaction design library – welie.com/ ui-patterns.com/
@melissaclark Robot or alient cupcakes sound AWESOME! Do take pictures and share.
@Jason_Reed Adifferent VM image for IE6 and IE7. Pointless to test for IE8 if you set the IE7 flag since you will still need to check ie7
@Jason_Reed I don’t trust those pesky emulated ones. I’ve been burned by them before. Here’s how i do it is.gd/eOsX
@Jason_Reed Highlights:Free images from M$ need to be converted and expire every 3 months. But it’s FREE!
@farrelley I was thinking today was Sundaywhen in fact it is Saturday. Watching the playoffs on a Saturday is weird.
@Fuelfrog 378.5 $1.559 15.653
@kathkat15 We need an extra laptop here if you don’t want your old one.
@scottsandler The Eagles face the Vikings next week at Minnesota.
@alexalbrecht Pick me! Pick me! Pick Me!
@jfc3 Sorry to hear that you will have some structure in your week.
@housyd Could go to the stained glass pub across the street
@fuelfrog 281 $1.499 11.814
@gentlesavage Cool how did you find that out? That sounds about right.
@gentlesavage Oh sweet! Props to TweetDeck for that.
@gentlesavage Oh well wehn you do, I’ll give ya the best answer. I signed up for e-mail notifications.
@jfc3 Monday night football is way more interesting compared to the remake of Charlie and Chocolate factory. I’m also writing a blog post.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.