@DerekAshauer If you ever need to do that for any script or CSS file enqueued you can do so like this: github.com/kingkool68/wordpress-…
I never have to tell someone to hard refresh the page to see the changes
@DerekAshauer If you ever need to do that for any script or CSS file enqueued you can do so like this: github.com/kingkool68/wordpress-…
I never have to tell someone to hard refresh the page to see the changes
@andrewhoyer In my area there are some 6-12 convenience stores mocoshow.com/blog/the-rise-and-f…
@mattcampux What are you using to track everything? I use Personal Capital but my main banking account USAA cut them off so it’s kinda useless to see the complete picture.
@missionmikedev Definitely write a blog post about this. What do you need kubernetes for? Wouldn’t you want to go straight from Next.js to CDN?
@MKBHD People who can fall asleep before the plane even takes off are witches
@wp_podcasts @topher1kenobe @heropress Nice! Can’t wait to hear it
@iamharaldur @tomfinley We’ve had Photoshop since 1987. The media viewing public will adapt.
@dvassallo Reminds me of this Nathan For You episode
@brandymedia It looks like the underbelly of the Internet vomited all over the page dummyimage.com/
@brandymedia I wrote dummyimage.com the same source code that powers placehold.it
@Rmmmsy Maybe they were just trying to 50/50 it…
@dbanksDesign Hard same, bud
@randallb Let’s ask the great ChatGPT itself!
@junaidbhura @chriscoyier That’s awesome stuff. I’ve come up with a similar approach to doing componentized development for WordPress using PHP.
I’ve come up with this sort of approach –> github.com/kingkool68/wordpress-…
@DerekAshauer Offer a completely free version that takes a commission and offer a pro version that doesn’t take any commission.
@syedbalkhi @wpcodelibrary Just created my profile and added two snippets I use a lot
@Rmmmsy Bummer it’s raining
@tdesseyn I search popular job listing sites using keywords like “site:lever.co full stack developer” or “site:greenhouse.io WordPress”
@topher1kenobe It would take me longer to explain everything than to just do it myself.
@polevaultweb Just a heads up that the Field Type Settings section is borked. See advancedcustomfields.com/resourc…
I use this page quite frequently. Please don’t abandon the PHP API.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.