@ckorffux I have small children so I don’t get to sit for long stretches of time and never really get bored.
@randallb Ooo we’ve got an article coming out soon you should read
@JessSchillinger 👑 You’re the mayor of Twitter!
@JoAnnStilley Poor little guy spent so much time strapped into his car seat or strapped into this carrier backpack. And he never complained or fused once he was in.
@luke__duncan @turntablefm Hells yeah! ttstats.info/user/606e0eb247b5e3…
@elgreg memories…
@MikeNGarrett You remember what silence sounds like?
@mattcampux 256chan
@chipcullen Only if it’s disorganized
@JoAnnStilley Yup, Luray Caverns. The parking lot looked busy but walking through caverns was fine.
@JoAnnStilley A crisp 65°F. Walking around with Caden on my back really built up a sweat.
@plugish uhh…..
@davatron5000 @github Name branch 123-issue-title. Saves me some time when writing pull requests so I can remember to add “Fixes #123”
@jgarber I’m guessing it wasn’t “YOU DID A DUCKING GREAT JOB JASON! DUCK YEAH!”
@enqueue_russ We’re you emailing her company asking for support?
@mattcampux Positive or negative return?
@mattcampux Definitely car repairs. Or anything where the existing solution is janky. Just do it the right way? Need a specific shelf? Get the right shelf. Bad wifi? Go prosumer. Phone too slow? Get a new phone. Pillow hurting your neck? Get a new pillow.
@mattcampux I’m in the phase of my life where if it’s easier to just throw money at the problem then just do it.
@MikeNGarrett Oof that is the roughest my friend. It too shall pass.
@thiagoleonel @easyengine There’s also a fork called @WordOps_