@MikeNGarrett Clients or babies?
@piccalilli_ I discovered scroll-margin-top from reading piccalil.li/quick-tip/add-scroll… I really liked your idea of applying it to elements that have an ID attribute.
Then I discovered it doesn’t work in Safari. Now I’m using padding-top 5ex margin-top -5ex for the same thing with better support.
@jfc3 The six year old is going to in-school kindergarten Thursday and Friday so one more step closer to normal
@jfc3 Spoke too soon
@jfc3 Thank goodness social distancing is still in place.
@richard_tabor My longest running and only profitable side project is dummyimage.com/ but still not enough to warrant looking into an LLC for it.
@richard_tabor My projects never get that far
@laurieontech Yup. Comes with this weird screechy accessory that spits out paper with ink on it.
@magicroundabout I find the block editor pretty amazing. I use it mostly with a handful of custom blocks I developed.
@skeevis @smarty Google Assistant is like that too but they come at the end. Annoying.
@neojp I was actually listening to a podcast about an emoji picker and web components when I had that thought
@CircuitSwan Cirque du Soleil performer
@mikeindustries Prize linked saving accounts
You can do something similar at a lot of local credit unions. No block chain needed.
@rangelwulff @stefanjudis I use <xmp> all the time for debugging
@dbchhbr We’re talking about the Wireless Access Protocol, right?
@JessSchillinger Feeding a baby is hardly “nothing”
@timbednar Took me a while to realize the labels are links you click on to see the helpful tips.
@BinaryMoon I switched from Google Authenticator to Authy and haven’t looked back.
@round I’ll buy this tweet for $0.50 as an NFT