@justintadlock Surround it with bricks and call it a block theme
@justintadlock Surround it with bricks and call it a block theme
@csaba_kissi Yup
@yeeeerika that’s hot
@TheJeffMatson He’s on fire!!!
@StroteBook Nice use of dummyimage.com there
@mishterkurth Yup that is correct
@iansvo HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, and a sprinkle of MySQL
@mgaak1dev Screw it! Just use Google!
@crutchcorn I like this
@ajaydsouza You did it!
@no_fear_inc Citi. But looking around at their website I can’t seem to find it anymore. See doctorofcredit.com/citi-adds-car….
@mishterkurth I use MXRoute and set up email forwarding routes.
@no_fear_inc My credit card company gives me a list of recurring charges. It will often continue approving those charges for recurring services for one or two more cycles until I get around to updating the payment info.
@TaraClaeys Search engines will be able to spot your bias (aka keyword stuffing) when their crawlers can actually comprehend what is in the image.
@conniechiiiwa Under desk walking treadmill
@hellosammunoz The ones you want people to know more about on the Internet
@benswrite Sure I’m down
@richard_tabor Maybe you can answer this question (I’m not the author) reddit.com/r/ProWordPress/commen…
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.