@mattcampux Costco cart!
@mattcampux Costco cart!
@richard_tabor I dig it!
@lorenc_dan Randomamazon.com for browsing Amazon randomly
@jgarber You mean the 2nd film in the trilogy Eat, Pray, Love?
@fugularity Kirby can also take on the powers of whomever he consumes so really it’s like having every player in one
@babysoftluke OMG I watch this show too. It messes with my brain!
@chriscoyier @alexquez @CodePen What happened to Tim?
@mattcampux That’s so awesome you found something that works!
@mattcampux The comma separates the first argument (the callback function) from the second (initalValue) for the array.reduce() method
@mattcampux Here’s a CodePen of it written as an arrow function and the more traditional way
@fugularity Up until last week or whenever I would have said”most of the time” because Choco Tacos don’t need cheese.
@fugularity Kingkool68 has entered the chat…
@fugularity @bengalsfansadly @lukesawhook I like them all as vessels for imaginary sportsball points
@fugularity Antonio de Torres Jurado
@JoAnnStilley We walked past the convention center yesterday and saw the sign
@NathanaelKhodl @chriscoyier ah touche`
@chriscoyier You could design a combination of colors that no matter what combination is used produces an acceptable level of contrast. Bet you can’t mess up this accessible color palette: coolors.co/000000-ffffff
@dburka From a practical perspective, yes $40+ is way too high for a shirt. But if it goes towards supporting an artist or creator you admire and want to see them it’s totally worth it.
@noaheverett npm install to your hearts content
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.