@richaber Oof sorry to hear about the job situation. A WP-CLI command to export a WP_Query to CSV always comes in handy.
@richaber Oof sorry to hear about the job situation. A WP-CLI command to export a WP_Query to CSV always comes in handy.
@brad_frost Drip drip drip… Goes the water…
@elyktrix Blue/green kubernetes deployment in a multi-cloud provider redundant setup
@vovafeldman I’ll be there
@andrewchen No one remembers but Amazon.com was just about books and nearly died in the tech boom
@wesbos I think you’re a real developer 😉
@markzahra In Chrome you can install it as an app and it just shows up on your Mac like any other app. Requires Chrome to be running but GMail appears as a separate window.
@thewprockstar Director of Digital Strategy
@thespacedmonkey @TheJeffMatson’s site is pretty fun jeffmatson.net/blog/next-adventu…
@jeffr0 Have you ever thought about child themes?
@rileyj_s You could’ve bought something for your freelance business as a tax deduction. New computer, monitor, subscriptions services, books, etc.
@_JoshRobbs Isn’t building static pages a form of caching?
@magskinbag Have you tried deleting the service worker? See twitter.com/c_pick/status/163127…
@DerekAshauer Good riddance to the clickbait ad-stuffed sites that don’t actually answer your question.
@CSDevAr @Kathy_Darling “Event bubbling” is the keyword you’re looking for. See javascript.info/bubbling-and-cap…
@Kathy_Darling You would attach the event listener to a parent element and listen for the target that matches the selector instead. If the target of the event matches your selector, then do whatever action you need to do.
@Kathy_Darling I’m guessing you want to have an event listener listen for events that happen to elements that get added after the event listener is set up. For that you can use event bubbling.
@Kathy_Darling querySelectorAll() will match the selector against the current DOM when it is called. If you call querySelectorAll() after a new element is added to the DOM, it will be selected automatically.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.