@swiftdancoder @timo__tech But if you’re just starting out working on a portfolio is worthwhile. I’m probably completely out of touch about this since I’ve been working on the web since 1999. mdskate.russellheimlich.com/
@swiftdancoder @timo__tech Instead of taking time to work on my personal site I took on freelance projects to help my clients with their sites. They had more interesting problems. Then word of mouth led to more projects. Nobody has ever asked to see my portfolio.
@timo__tech Nobody cares about your homepage if you have experience and expertise to back up what you say you know. Companies have been looking for people who have already solved the problems they have.
@timo__tech russellheimlich.com/ hasn’t been updated since 2006 when I launched it. Hasn’t been a problem in my career.
@knomat We should really get together sometime before we head off to college
@bequinning @QuinnyPig Even ice cream?
@dbchhbr Sounds crappy
@jfc3 Oh. Then I guess the answer is no.
@jfc3 Why don’t you buy the place?
@mattcampux Wait you don’t do that when you work from home?
@caseydriscoll ahhh that place is awesome. I kinda miss it now.
@miked1ck It’s kinda amazing the Internet even works at all
@yongfook a 420 bot. Whenever it is 4:20 (in pacific time in our case) everyone types 420 and they get a point. It’s a lot more fun then it sounds typing it out.
@miked1ck UDP vs TCP lifesize.com/en/blog/tcp-vs-udp/….
@TreTuna @swyx I mean the software currently doesn’t work on my PC either but the camera is still recognized. I wonder what would happen if I plugged it into my Mac?
@swyx I updated my webcam to the Dell WB7022 for better image quality in afternoon sun. It works well. I believe it’s PC only.
@0xADADA @iansvo @teeplates @Malarkey If a user sets their default font size in their browser settings to something other than 16px, rems/ems will scale appropriately. If you size everything in pixels nothing will change if the default font size changes. Zoom (cmd/control + or -) will still work as expected.