@crutchcorn Have you even seen my code?
@mattcampux Do you think McKinsey would agree?
@Stammy Still haven’t put stop, drop, and roll into use yet…
@ckrewson Cisco bought the company because an increase in online video bandwidth was good for business
@mr_suh What if it gets you a positive date?
@kovshenin @dbchhbr @saildeploy Good stuff and thanks for sharing your work. If my sites ever get to that level I’ll have resources to turn to.
@dbchhbr @kovshenin Ah poo. Ok thanks.
@kovshenin I was reading your blog and came across the term ‘atomic deploys’. If you use git to pull down code changes to a server would that be considered an atomic deploy?
@QuinnyPig What do you think would happen if you just tweeted the word FART?
@miked1ck General Merchandising
I don’t really break it down further even though it’s a hodge podge of stuff. Same with Costco.
@anthonydpaul By HSA do you mean FSA (flexible spending account)? Also CVS does this on their receipts on each purchase.
@mattcampux Same with YouTube videos. It looks like everyone’s wildly successful but you don’t see all the people that get ignored.
@MikeNGarrett Sitting alone in the car in parking lots is like a vacation
@shortxstack @eric_capuano These were the comfort at grandmas after you come upon butter cookies they happen to be a sewing kit
@neojp What if you just want a boba but don’t want the added responsibility of another living thing
@MKBHD Heimlich is the best
@mattcampux France has one. You open the app, it shows a QR code, someone has a reader app, scans it, and it dings if you’re good.
@magicroundabout At work we do…
Prod: example.com
Staging: example-staging.com
Local: example.local
Mainly it’s because we have an app at app.example.com and we need a way to test any subdomain issues with it (like cookies and auth and stuff like that)
@mattcampux Zuckerberg lost $28 billion yesterday. I hope he gets a good tax credit for the wealth tax.