@dbchhbr Wondering where we’re going to put all these new toys
@mattcampux When I was in Paris I woke up early and walked to the top of this hill and took this photo. The timestamp on the photo is 8am
@freshyill Congrats on not being pregnant!
@fugularity Good eyes line your lineup. Needs more eye patches.
@fugularity K Allen is clearly the pirate captain
@fugularity Those are some gnarly looking pirates
@mommajessiec Can’t forget those leaping lords ma’lady
@elgreg Maybe you should open it and play so it ends this real life pandemic just like Jumanji
@TestKitchen you do have a swimsuit edition, right?
@babysoftluke I dig it. Makes me feel edgy while driving a mini-van… err Multi-Purpose Passenger Vehicle (MPV)
@freshyill 2022 is gonna be the biggest yet!
@DThompsonDev Well this was my first website that is still around from 2001 mdskate.russellheimlich.com/fram… My professional career didn’t start until 2006 so more than 5 years I would say.
@mattcampux Remember the Arab Spring?
@tomwillmot Anyways I’m a fan. It’s good stuff.
@tomwillmot I have AC lite APs. I heard the lRs don’t make sense since your devices are a shorter range so what’s the point?
@mattcampux Do your eyes shoot lazers yet?