@skeevis I’m off to Puerto Rico for a long weekend tomorrow
@anthonydpaul Type “g weather” instead. I do this when I need to search for something about YouTube and not searching YouTube itself.
@babysoftluke Now this is a half marathon I can train for
@nek Fixed! dummyimage.com/600x4:3/ Happy dummyimaging!
@nek Yea I seemed to have broke them when I put CloudFlare in front of it. I’ll see if I can get them back working again.
@AlexStandiford It’s annoying to read a Twitter thread. Give me a URL I can open and never come back to.
@dbchhbr Ehhh not quite but I use this bookmarklet to determine the optimal sizes values for images ausi.github.io/respimagelint/
@ZoeBijl @pauljadam The Web Developer chrome extension has a tool to check outline levels
@shortxstack Pogo still going strong
@MrAhmadAwais 1) Create an eBook on how to make a video course
2) Create a video course on how to make an eBook
3) Make both of them reference each other and trap your customers in an infinite loop
@chriscoyier Oooo this is like the boss level, I’m not sure which one to pick
@MattWilcox My guess would be width and height attributes on the <source> element
@Rmmmsy Aww man! You could have told him about your secret skate spot and taken him to your miniramp
@Stammy If only there was some sort of open id you could use…
@mistersql So one might say breaking an arm will cost you and arm and a leg
@babysoftluke My pleasure
@babysoftluke “Aw crap I committed to the wrong branch.”
** cherry picks the commit(s) to the right branch **
@LeeRoyExMachina @davidfowl @engineering_bae Both 401(k)s and IRAs have traditional (pre-tax contributions) and Roth (post-tax contributions) versions.
@LeeRoyExMachina @davidfowl @engineering_bae 401(k) is a retirement account setup by your employer. Contribution limits are $19,500 in 2021 and $20,500 in 2022.
An Independent Retirement Account (IRA) is a personal retirement account. Contribution limits are $6,000.
@TheJackForge PrototypeJS?