@williamsba Why don’t you just write your own custom fields? is.gd/HvIll8
@matt_attack_618 Would this tattoo be better? is.gd/uzYh2u #sick
@jakelear Check the IE checkbox is.gd/et2H1U
@cameronmoll USe Dreamhost at work for development, play around type stuff. I love their UI
@KyleCotter Yes, for an extra fee. Capped at 5Gb. is.gd/bWZekH
@micmania1 You are epic.
@pauljadam Yea I use @usaa They’re awesome. Also based in Texas.
@mtbenson How’s 2 for 3? is.gd/3iz6U0 is.gd/cnuORk
@KyleCotter Sign up for BillShrink and see all of that nifty data to help make your choice easier is.gd/9ENhD1
@KyleCotter But Sprint is taking a risk by being the smallest carrier with the iPhone and competition is good. Think long term.
@KyleCotter I have T-Mobile. How much do you use your phone for actual calls… lasting longer than a minute? I thought so…
@charliepark Your hands aren’t chubby enough. EAT MORE! BE JOLLY!
@KyleCotter Support the underdog.
@BlankSky Would like to know myself. I dunno with Facebook. I ‘m sure you can with Twitter.
@drotoriouz Can’t wait for October 11th.
@smeranda Their goal is to sell shiny things to people with money. I’d say a lot of people surfing the web with IE6 fit in that category.
@smeranda Branding is all about consistency isn’t it?
@drotoriouz If people are irked or disappointed in the new iPhone they should buy competitors phones.
@drotoriouz NEEDS MORE POWER!