@KyleCotter @cohenspire T-Mobile is the one who throttles. Sprint is the last carrier offering truly unlimited data plan.
@KyleCotter @cohenspire T-Mobile is the one who throttles. Sprint is the last carrier offering truly unlimited data plan.
@KyleCotter Thanks for breaking @engadget
@KyleCotter I’m liking This Is My Next: is.gd/9aIvhn
@JohnPBloch Do you have an example online somewhere? I just use rewrite rules.
@cohenspire I accept to waste an hour of time .
@nacin I need a good WordPress recipe on rewrite Endpoints. Could never get it to work for me.
@jusinette Not officially buuuutttt is.gd/sSeT9z #pleasesayyes
@trepmal I own two.
@trepmal I love dry cereal.
@alisonmaego Listen to is.gd/3MuvsE
@alisonmaego It’s any song you might want that you can play whenever you want. More like the ultimate iTunes collection in the sky.
@zgordon One finger swipe plus Shift. Works great on my magic mouse
@zgordon You inspired me to set up Shift + 1 finger swipe left = maximize window on left side of screen etc. Super handy.
@jlleblanc well there’s a reception later. And you get a little snack during the ceremony 🙂
@chipcullen It’s also great at taking up space in your dock.
@marcelmoreau He has quite an opinion here: is.gd/jN7DN2 “Raw is a waste of time and space, and doesn’t look any better than JPG”
@boagworld You could also try is.gd/KlZnL3 Search is a hard thing to get right.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.