@ampearce71109 Embrace your inner craziness.
@ampearce71109 Embrace your inner craziness.
@JohnPBloch Today is national don’t drive your car day. That could explain it.
@alisonmaego This is the kind of thing that really pisses off developers. You know, changing the entire underpinnings of modern physics.
@alisonmaego 60 nano seconds faster
@latortuga I’m glad you enjoy the fruits of my labor.
@AstickofGum You should build one out of yarn.
@booboozela CVS must be pleased.
@cohenspire Nothing new is live yet.
@elgreg So what’s new with Facebook? I know you’re working on something…
@trepmal There’s also this: is.gd/aipNvF
@trepmal is.gd/Wn5M2M or just use is.gd/u5o0NN for icons like I would do
@cohenspire @KyleCotter #dubstep has got nothing compared to my #56kModem
@mtbenson I always liked Sony Vegas for video/audio editing. PC only though.
@cohenspire and @cohenspire for changing their location. BRING BACK THE OLD COHENSPIRE!
@cohenspire APIs are easy. Ask a site for data, it gives it to you, you do stuff with the data.
@pauljadam YES! Also feel free to test the accessibility of is.gd/MdRIqq or is.gd/17lh2y
@booboozela This is how you look like in my mind… is.gd/gLlJD1
@cohenspire I hope you get hit by a boulder of cash in Colorado.
@Fatimaelzahraa Only if you can teach me how to do the Egyptian…
@cohenspire I went to bed at 9:30pm last night, hacker.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.