@johncoates Mt. Shasta is awesome. Went there as a kid
@johncoates Mt. Shasta is awesome. Went there as a kid
@jfc3 Techstars episode 1 is.gd/00wvNe
@matt_attack_618 Distance is just a number…
@matt_attack_618 I do.
@whafro I prefer it not to come from DigiNotar.
@whafro I prefer the cert come from the Hong Kong Post Office.
@jfc3 @jessabean @FriedChickpea @blanksky We could do hot coal fire walking…
@grum_dot_com What’s the difference between this cheap crap and all the other cheap crap Target sells?
@BlankSky You should have a fire pit party on Saturday night unless you’re out jumping off cliffs on a two wheel vehicular contraption
@toekneestuck Let me know when there’s a home automation system that runs on Node.js. Then I’ll be interested
@pauljadam Had a New York friend who went to Chipotle in DC and was shocked at how much cheaper it is down here. I have no idea
@pauljadam Welcome to the land of the expensive crap. Atleast it’s not New York.
@williamsba Node.js winners is.gd/i7ntP5
@williamsba Windows 8 is.gd/V6CTIt Boston Globe Responsive redesign is launched is.gd/PJZxJZ
@convergese It’s all good. I hope you raise prices so you can keep putting on the great conference.
@Nethermind Me personally, no. Because I don’t know ASP.NET. Making something iso use paying attention to how it’s built.
@Nethermind How can an API be accessible or not? It’s what you do with it. Clay pottery isn’t beautiful because it is clay.
@MikeNGarrett @cohenspire The organizers of @convergese mentioned raising rates. They sold out during early bird pricing.
@farrelley You should start with an oil platform first and work your way up
@farrelley You’re trying to buy an island?
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.