@KyleCotter I used to use Pandora Boy when I used to listen to Pandora all day code.google.com/p/pandoraboy/
@KyleCotter I used to use Pandora Boy when I used to listen to Pandora all day code.google.com/p/pandoraboy/
@Jennison @pauljadam Congrats on the job. I work at the Pew Research Center building interesting things. Hope to see you at some dc meetups.
@markjaquith @nacin You should see this analysis of Microsoft’s Ribbon Interface is.gd/VkN4Bf
@sjenkinsdc No prob. Glad you like it. There are bazillions to choose from is.gd/SUR0hC
@matt_attack_618 That bacon looks a little too raw.
@itsrayshelle Always looking for assets to help me out where i can.
@itsrayshelle LIES! That included nothing about how I can get a massive ass.
@farrelley The Air is a mind fuck machine. Looks awful when comparing specs. Awesome real-world performance is.gd/7WtSyr
@farrelley I guess there is a perk to being on the Dark Side.
@farrelley Oh and buy it online through the Education store, save a little money. is.gd/3YZuGi
@farrelley Air it is then.
@farrelley MacBook Air or a MacBook Pro with an SSD (more expensive) #lazyweb
@sjenkinsdc Use is.gd/bX78fC instead
@thomaswatling Use is.gd/bX78fC instead
@farrelley post your code somewhere ill take a look at it
@aaronjorbin oh that’s what those were. I saw them fly over the Potomac.
@williamsba @aaronjorbin While listening to “Rock you like a hurricane”
@aaronjorbin No but I have a box of CoaCoa Puff Brownie Crunch is.gd/9uyNtB
@aaronjorbin We have Uno cards ready for when the power goes out in Alexandria.
@brownorama Be sure to use is.gd/bX78fC for images on the fly during your HTML prototyping.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.