@WillsB3 Use is.gd/bX78fC instead.
@WillsB3 Use is.gd/bX78fC instead.
@grum_dot_com IT’S A CLOWN!
@JohnPBloch IT’S A CLOWN!
@trudesign IT’S A CLOWN!
@josemonkey IT’S A CLOWN!
@trudesign Look inside the wreath.
@Nethermind I figured out the pattern but I don’t know how to express it as an equation… hmmm…
@aaronjorbin Oh right. Reading Twitter this morning does not mean it is happening now. whoops.
@aaronjorbin jQuery meetup will have pizza.
@brownpau Where’s your office now? I assume @mattbowen is in your old one.
@andrea_r Know of any good examples for creating a multisite settings page for a plugin? I want the settings to be used on all sites…
@williamsba Do you know how to make an options panel for a multisite plugin? Want to enter options in one place for all sites.
@coderbrown Nope. I started cleaning up some of my blog posts over the weekend. Stupid auto tweeting blog thingy madoober.
@dennisl It’s a right aligned layout intentionally.
@matt_attack_618 hilarious
@karlgroves I also am left handed and an only child.
@jgarber “bus” is not something you want to see.
@jinaldo Some good index fund reading getrichslowly.org/blog/2010/11/3…
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.