@teddyrised I read about that last night and just switched to it. Will take a few days 2 get used 2. Glad flat colors are making a comeback.
@teddyrised I read about that last night and just switched to it. Will take a few days 2 get used 2. Glad flat colors are making a comeback.
@AstickofGum You mean you didn’t like selling cookies and sleeping over at the mall?
@CotterWebDesign That’s the gorwn up way!
@AstickofGum You’re going to the woods aren’t you? And you do like Girl Scouts right?
@AstickofGum Have fun playing Girl Scout in the woods.
@epalf Laying down flat in weird places and taking a picture… a la is.gd/HBagrd
@zeldman 🙂 Can I borrow your Web-lebrity to show budding designers the benefit of ARIA landmark roles? is.gd/NTIeQf
@zeldman You guys should discuss accessibility on the Big Web Show.
@CotterWebDesign I thought it used to be centered and used max-width or something cl.ly/1Q3O3o1J2z3n100C1C3u
@jgarber I bet. I got a zillion emails about it going to happen and I only use it for vanity email addresses.
@malloryhole Me. My email is my twitter handle at gmail.com
@malloryhole All of this benefits their advertising biz, so they had to do something like Google+ and build Buzz for it.
@malloryhole Google’s goal is to collect as much info about you as possible and keep you surfing the web as much as possible
@malloryhole There’s also google.com/+ #catchy
@malloryhole Last night I thought the thing was wide open as everyone was inviting everyone.
@malloryhole Truly exceeded capacity
@OpenPhotoMe Neat project. I always dreamed of a way to push my photos out to different services and sync comments, tags, people back
@cohenspire feel better… or nothing due to the drugs.
@toekneestuck. No prob. Glad you got in
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.