@JohnPBloch there was also a brief appereance of Mrs. Tiger, Tony the Tigers wife or mom. But she was minor.
@JohnPBloch wife suggested fruity pebbles but they’re pitched by Fred and Barney.
@randallb +1
@CotterWebDesign FYI, life goes waaaaayyy faster than that. Just wait 5 years.
@AstickofGum All men clearly aim for that level of superior fit. Afterall ass cracks are meant to hold something
@UXCodeIne Plus ARIA landmark roles are so easy to add in. You’d be foolish not to add them.
@boagworld It’s also really easy to add custom fields for different data on the author pages.
@boagworld You can fix it. Paste this in your themes functions.php is.gd/ygiz8d
@malloryhole if you appreciate horrible Nirvana covers, enjoy this today. is.gd/t0GSsC
@jasongraphix I’m liking Brawler.
@cdharrison Don’t get gas in DC is.gd/PSMytb
@noaheverett Glad we got a chance to meet before you get locked up
@matt_attack_618 Next stop 20,000
@toekneestuck You’re the first person to mention CSS3 columns in like a year. Those are some pretty annoying differences
@cohenspire Raise your rates
@mpiccorossi m.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=how+… I wouldn’t eat that all at once
@charliepark yuck. I find MSNBC jittery and not as responsive as I would like.
@perishable hey I’d be interested in writing about WordPress.
@steph_hay They’re also good at flinging sperm all over the place #reason2haveguybestfriend