@snowpunk XHTML is dead, luckily most everything is the same with HTML4 and HTML5
@CotterWebDesign Or turn whiter than I already am is.gd/OAiWqk
@AstickofGum I get web designs as print out.
@CotterWebDesign Don’t really want to be holding metal near a big metal object while it’s a lightning show out. Mail in the mailbox can wait
@BlankSky Hellz Yeah!
@CotterWebDesign STOP NOW IT DOESN’T MATTER! is.gd/EgweSl
@rossk But what happens when @lulzsec hacks your LulzSec notification site?
@aaronjorbin two L’s in Russell #ossbbq
@Francois010 Ha! Don’t we all…
@Francois010 Is one of the requirements to working for Cirque du Soleil the ability to touch your toes while keeping your legs straight?
@steph_hay are you saying only hippies go to Refresh DC? Its okay. Check out the slides that I’ll post later.
@kgiff Aww shucks. You can definitely catch the slides later.
@AstickofGum Kristina’s Dad brought a cooler of fish and meat as carry-on on the flight to Guam
@StormIT Your welcome. Glad you like it.
@alisonmaego What on earth does a paid Weather app offer?
@Nethermind Go Lodi! I’ve got family there.
@nacin aw drats!