@farrelley OK plan b… plural because it is showing a bunch of things like so is.gd/hwMXRc
@farrelley OK plan b… plural because it is showing a bunch of things like so is.gd/hwMXRc
@farrelley in other words is the URL showing a list of breweries or a single brewery profile?
@farrelley Are you returning one brewery or multiple breweries?
@toekneestuck Nice stuff1 How did you do the spa form?
@desandro @elgreg T-Mobile used to have a way so you could send a text to a shortcode and it would email you. This was awesome pre-dataplan
@jgarber Those crazy algorithms. What can’t they do?
@jgarber Probably the best explanation of how BitCoin works is.gd/Y0c33C
@johnheiner Awesome. You must work with the great @jfc3 everyday. Good stuff.
@desandro Hardly working Startup Guys is.gd/RTp724
@SenorSnyder the only burning I do is when I pee…
@SenorSnyder what’s a CD?
@cohenspire @MikeNGarrett LastPass works for me
@trudesign They magically eat all double A batteries in sight.
@skeevis Thanks! Are you going to @fedsacrifice tomorrow at Viget? I’ll be presenting @vidcapper there!
@drotoriouz I’m always here on Twitter.
@skeevis no worries. I think I figured it out.
@skeevis If you’re still at #startupxlr8r I need some help debugging cURL stuff…
@AstickofGum nope at a nerd event instead. @naudebynature is still running with friends.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.