@blanksky Congrats on your adoption of @cohenspire
@dcphp still looking for speakers? I can talk about doing complicated things in WordPress.
@randallb actually I think I got it working. Notice!
@randallb False. the cookie is set at edge.domain.com I just need the CDN to detect the cookie on their end (parsing header values )
@randallb Good luck!
@MikeNGarrett Check the #1 spot for “Combat Roach Gel”
@jinaldo Shake Shack never left.
@desandro Tweet ’em out!
@iamphilrae How 2011.beercamp.com was made is.gd/23M67l
@nacin I’m sure you’re thrilled with the fact that your passwords can be stolen too.
@farrelley @e_wils Hide the Evidence! is.gd/EDDpuw
@farrelley @e_wils Boobs! Fuck Yeah! is.gd/PKHEMk
@hakeemhal Why don’t you just use is.gd/ZFnkkj
@hakeemhal What’s the dummyimage add-on?
@kathkat15 the opposite is having too little time/skill/money and all you get is mold.
@Jason Mahalo isn’t all bad. Because of them I got a nice beach towel is.gd/qYiuNm
@cohenspire emo
@Jason People used to laugh when you created Mahalo and look at them now… they were right.
@JoseffB @aaronjorbin Have you been to MLK Library in DC before?
@aaronjorbin If only libraries served complimentary cheese and meats…. the world would be a whole lot smarter.