@aaronjorbin Same situation that you’re in
@aaronjorbin Same situation that you’re in
@aaronjorbin I’LL BE THERE!
@cohenspire You shouldn’t disrespect your friends by calling them old.
@cohenspire you should do web work on your motorcycle while popping wheelies on 495
@cohenspire I’ll take a photo of your copy and post it on my blog.
@fugularity @eighty5original @smellyice BUT IF THEY’RE ON SALE THAN YOU’RE PRACTICALLY MAKING MONIES!
@randallb Frustrated by YouTube’s lack of frame accurate seeking for my secret project. I can DM you a link.
@farrelley Query string at end ?v=2 etc. If no query string serve latest version #php
@brownpau I think you missed the #STS134 launch but you gave me some LOLZ cl.ly/1j1s2U0L1X1S1u2E2b33
@greglinch See is.gd/BnHHt6 or is.gd/4inXr9 if you’re more into graphs
@aaronjorbin Your suit will be in fashion longer than those two other things.
@nacin Changes app seems similar to the compare feature in SmartSVN though you can’t view it in an editor.
@netflix I hope you guys get Conan: The Adventurer (the animated one) on streaming is.gd/S4VMkH
@cohenspire Hell yea for hermitting!
@cherylhaas I used to use QueueMan for managing netflix queue whenever I heard of a flick I should see is.gd/wgAcIZ
@Grooveshark Chiptune/8-bit music.
@riichdiinero Cool hoe are you going to do that?
@riichdiinero in net worth or cold hard cash?
@imjared I hope you like lame jokes and cat videos with the occasional techno babble.
@itsrayshelle Go with @t-mobile atleast until they become AT&T&T
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.