@stubbornella Yup, display: none is invisible to everyone. But you can make a class to visually hide elements and still make them accessible
@stubbornella Yup, display: none is invisible to everyone. But you can make a class to visually hide elements and still make them accessible
@marksost Here’s the source code free to tinker with is.gd/Ag7yCr
@film_girl He’s a feature not a bug.
@cohenspire @jfc3 @jzy SUNDAY CAN BE MEAT DAY!
@leolaporte Glad to see you’re finally using Pixel Pipe. It’s awesome isn’t it?
@nacin Oh and how to install and use MAMP. You’ll have to do that every class I’m sure.
@nacin the theme hierarchy, the loop, filters & actions, enqueing CSS/JS
@jessabean Thank you, thank you. Hopefully living social will have a coupon when I need it.
@MattBowen Thank ya thank ya.
@skeevis Dang! this is what I’m trying to do… forrst.com/posts/Authenticating_…
@skeevis Have you worked with YouTube’s API using JavaScript/AJAX? I’m trying to figure out authenticated requests. Getting nowhere.
@farrelley Welcome back to Dullsville, USA
@charliepark Is trying on your father’s wedding suit like a yearly tradition or something? If so, that’s an awesome tradition.
@epalf hooray for big girl debt!
@brownpau if you crash, your a horrible driver. If you don’t you’re the best driver ever.
@eighty5original chocolate
@forrst Is there anyway to automatically subscribe to comments when I comment on a post myself or I like a post?
@matt_attack_618 They’re called hashtags… here’s a good primer is.gd/2XjbHw
@rochellefp 7-9mm, the size of the average adult finger tip #nnguw #usability
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.