@jenfraiz Well I eventually found some at Shoppers which is the first place my wife told me to look. #naturally
@jenfraiz Well I eventually found some at Shoppers which is the first place my wife told me to look. #naturally
@eighty5original I fear for your frog
@mgrdcm Thanks I just updated the post bit.ly/fwxUc3
@envatowebdev A List of Dummy Image generators bit.ly/fwxUc3 You can also read the back story of dummyimage.com bit.ly/fjC8cc
@jenfraiz Thanks but I was just doing the wife’s bidding and time was of the essence. Bake sales are life and death afterall.
@jinaldo just follow @BreakingNews and scour news.google.com
@richbradshaw probably. I rather like Dreamweaver even if it is on the bloated side.
@karsh Thanks I’m glad you like it
@Jennison It would scold the user for not using control/cmd +/- #UX #accessibility
@stanwilsonjr Oh that was real? That wasn’t an April Fools thing?
@epalf Welcome to politics.
@yoamomonstruos @thisisalyssalee dummyimage.com came first.
@steph_hay @cohenspire That’s in my queue too
@cohenspire @reef_light DC will be represented! I’m driving want a ride?
@steph_hay “Beautiful Losers” has been in my instant queue for months.
@trepmal I hacked a plugin for WP Super Cache and made my own conditional is_mobile(). Check out pewsocialtrends.org
@trepmal mobile subdomain? Bleck
@jdroth This APC one is aweosme. is.gd/OtmKM6 I use it for my NAS works great.
@seclarke Nope, never heard of em. But these have you written all over it is.gd/6Q0szT
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.