@brownpau I’ll see your launched thing and raise you a launch of my own is.gd/17lh2y
@brownpau I’ll see your launched thing and raise you a launch of my own is.gd/17lh2y
@sethnick @mikengarrett That site is a little too responsive cl.ly/3v462j13003R131B2D0H
@matt_attack_618 This is how Twitter works, the guide for Moms and non-moms alike is.gd/2XjbHw
@matt_attack_618 What up?
@nacin I’m telling you, document.title
@cameronmoll I assume $40mill also includes opportunity costs such as focusing on things that might actually bring in revenue.
@film_girl Yea there are no women I can make out with at WWDC either. #bummed
@wpSEO dummyimage.com <3 wpSEO
@farrelley But with the 60D you get larger reach on the telephoto side of things 200mm x 1.6x = 320mm effective focal length
@yesterdaysjam How was the Jo Koy show? We sat front & center in the first row. He picked on a couple at the table next to us most of night
@farrelley You can get the 60D on Amazon, which is considerably cheaper than 7D but doesn’t do video. is.gd/2hCV0u
@farrelley You missed an awesome meat spread.
@farrelley ebay dude
@farrelley its all about the lenses though
@farrelley Canon 40D
@farrelley canon
@jfc3 You should really take yourcar to the Apple store and see if they swap it for a new one #fb
@cbbs Ofcourse. How could we live without kittens on demand?
@randallb I notice nothing different except around 6:30pm my screen shifts noticeably to a brownish color.
@lauradhahn NOICE #dickbar
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.