@markjames @arrington said dummy image lacked character. Might have to make an Arrington version of dummyimage.com
@markjames @arrington said dummy image lacked character. Might have to make an Arrington version of dummyimage.com
@markjames I was running it through @cloudflare but noticed several times it went unresponsive. Hang in there is.gd/fxBAY6
@markjames I feel your pain. dummyimage.com is run on a cheap Dreamhost.com account and seems to do ok.
@grum_dot_com Ditto! #css
@jenfraiz Placekitten.com is by @markjames, dummyimage.com is mine
@tuvious Grab the source code and make it use your own font is.gd/KAH4Ra
@cohenspire Bandwagons. I love to jump on them.
@drotoriouz Honestly, Kristina and I barely use the iPad.
@drotoriouz Maybes… Or if an Android tablet could compete I might get that
@cohenspire Props.
@film_girl Thanks for the heads up. I can get $434 for my 32GB wifi iPad.
@skeevis Factory refurbished via Walmart.com
@williamsba me me me me me me I want one #plugindevbook
@olizilla @ldexterldesign @_alanshaw @diveintomark and dummyimage.com the one that started it all!
@cohenspire WHOA there slugger! You just met these people. Aren’t you moving a little fast to just straight doing them?
@itsrayshelle double flick to scroll up real fast #touchscreennewb
@cohenspire Vertical parallax is the new blink tag
@Jason Why are you so mopey? Where’s the #TIGERBLOOD or sparatacus or whatever meme you use to get pumped up?
@thorpus Yea when is it?
@thorpus Ditto! Sounds like DC Tech Events was a huge hit. Sorry I couldn’t make it
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.