@jfc3 @nacin @aaronjorbin I’m free Feb 26th. That is all.

@riichdiinero No, you don’t have to go to work on any day. If you were forced to go to work everyday, that would be called slavery.

@cohenspire @aebsr @blanksky WHOA I DIDN’T KNOW IT WAS THAT KIND OF TRIP!

@MikeNGarrett Yea you should of. USAA rocks!

@dcpatton and speedier! Whodda thunk dropping animations would make for a better experience?

@trudesign You could always give it a try. The worst they could do is say no.

@BlankSky @supalaze Oh yea, found this is.gd/0CRYsm

@BlankSky @supalaze Well you can do it in PHP so I imagine you could do it with java/.net is.gd/KKB8z8

@BlankSky This looks like not fun but i would start here is.gd/84zABl

@BlankSky You can easily use server side code to determine how big the file is. Here’s how in PHP for example is.gd/aIAvBS

@primerano Just in time.

@Snorels Well they haven’t spit out anything new… yet. I just roll with the punches

@Snorels Forget the iPad2, it’s all about the iPad 3 is.gd/x6JHHl

@happycog Rad, thanks for the quick reply.

@slicethendice Sweet. Thanks for getting back to me. Still in the discovery stage…

@happycog Do you guys do app development or could recommend a shop that does?

@superpixels Yes please, with extra gloss.

@farrelley What not Jazz drives?