@jinaldo Kristina is giving you the look…
@jinaldo Kristina is giving you the look…
@aenean_ hmm can’t scan a barcode when I’m looking at it on my phone.
@PadPivot Does $25 buy you an actual PadPivot or simply the right to buy one first?
@trudesign Yup, got that from Jira.
@aminatou @NMSosphere @WilliamBeutler If you type periods you’re doing it wrong.
@greglinch nice to talk to you and not just twitter stalk.
@kathkat15 Well they are because the old standards didn’t have caloric caps. They just had minimums
@jgarber Sure.
@brownpau Don’t sneeze at free floor mats!
@brownpau Yea, you really haven’t had a car of your own have you?
@booboozela Better hope there’s no gag order on that.
@greglinch Are you going to the icanhazcheeseburger social at the Washington Post building tonight at 5?
@greglinch on the blue line train where you got off at Rosslyn. I was coming back from DC PHP
@greglinch peek a boo I see you
@aaronjorbin It’s very much like Five Guys but I prefer Five Guys.
@Jason_Reed Ha I just did an SVN commit and thought in my head… “DON’T Fuck THIS UP”… seems to do the trick.
@steph_hay Yay! Washington Post is right down the street from me to if you know anyone over there who wants to leave the office
@TMobile TMO WIN!
@steph_hay I was merely joking for a NoVa Freelance group to meet in the middle of downtown sounds funny
@steph_hay 1 block away from Farragut North I think it has free wifi there are people on their computers all the time there.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.