@BlankSky Right on! Direct that art!
@BlankSky Right on! Direct that art!
@teddyrised Thanks for the #ff #ff
@jcarbaugh Did you tell Google you were a developer or a non-profit? No CR-48 for me as a Non-profit.
@cohenspire @steph_hay @aebsr Well one man belongs in jeggings smallscreenscoop.com/conan-in-je…
@mattroyten What do you mean? Placehold.it serves standard images.
@marcoceppi What are you using now?
@chendo Bandwidth shmandwidth. Dummyimage.com is hosted with Dreamhost and I have “unlimited” bandwidth. I also run it through CloudFlare.
@superpixels Less air = more AIRors
@desandro RT @chriscoyier Using this TextMate bundle today and it’s sweet: is.gd/isuny
@jungshadow The latest photo I see is from Jul 27, 2010
@googlenexus September 27th, 2021
@jbrwebc It certainly makes things a lot more flexible and easier to use for the end user #dcphp
@wjdennen It’s easy to add some JavaScript to the metabox. Here’s how I did the one button upload for a field -> is.gd/irDaW
@wjdennen It’s certainly possible but the WYSIWYG editor has a lot of stuff to it. See this post for details on that is.gd/irCNx
@cohenspire RISK is the type of boardgame that could end a marriage. Wife and I used to play it. We never finished a game. Lost many pieces.
@wjdennen Ok, I’ve updated sample.php with everything you need -> is.gd/irutn
@wjdennen The code is commented (sortof) and check sample.php for how to use it. OH crap I forgot to add something. One moment
@jlleblanc It’s the gift that keeps on giving
@cohenspire It’s probably overcomplicated but atleast it’s easy to use.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.