@sophira You would be correct. If you look at the source code you’ll see I’m passing the entire request uri to the script thus &text
@sophira You would be correct. If you look at the source code you’ll see I’m passing the entire request uri to the script thus &text
@charliepark Nope doesn’t load for me. Here’s a traceroute snipt.org/lsI/
@drotoriouz Good.Soon they’ll have enough money to stop their campaign.
@seancurtis @mirogl dummyimage.com and placehold.it are one in the same
@grum_dot_com screenshot cl.ly/d9617f800c4a1ec35f74
@williamsba Screenshots anywhere?
@grum_dot_com You’ll need a gradient. I suggest fiddling with this tool is.gd/g9MtN
@itsrayshelle Why don’t you actually make a wishlist like at boxedup.com example is.gd/g9MOD
@skeevis That song is awesome. Here is an 8-bit remix of it is.gd/g9RVb
@ianlintner Hoorah for timesavers like dummyimage.com
@Cohenspire I dunno, his talk was kind of meh to me.
@Cohenspire Fourth option, get this is.gd/g8EKs
@jdhartley Source code to placehold.it and dummyimage.com">dummyimage.com is available at dummyimage.com">dummyimage.com
@greglinch oh woops. See you there.
@smashingmag dummyimage.com Source code included.
@THErealDVORAK The Cats Pajamas
@MattBowen did you signup to emusic when it was all you can download for one monthly price? Circa 2006
@mpiccorossi I prefer it to the other cheesesteak places. Saw a horse wearing a Phillies hat.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.