@eighty5original Party at your parents house.
@eighty5original Party at your parents house.
@XboxSupport no error code, just no video signal. Audio signal works just fine.
@brownpau Should’ve got a Nexus One and used tethering.
@technosailor Hammond High Class of 2003 #hometown
@XboxSupport I’m 90% certain it’s a GPU failure as it happened at the end of a movie. No problems with the TV/Xbox/av cables before.
@XboxSupport It just sucks that I have to pay $100 to get it fixed even though the machine was recalled earlier. I’m a casual gamer so
@XboxSupport I didn’t use my Xbox as much and now I’m out of luck. Anything you guys can do?
@desandro 2 in 2010 is not binary
@MouseyMik Everyone needs a monacle
@cohenspire What about Word Docs? Do you like recreating logos from Word docs?
@epalf Give up and write a blog post instead 🙂
@nickwhitmoyer I upgraded for free.
@cohenspire ME TOO! We should start a social network
@jcarbaugh I smell a takeover. Do Non-Profits ever take over other non-profits?
@nickwhitmoyer the black arts.
@5tu Crap. I fell asleep watching that last night. Did they get the plane to take off?
@cameronmoll /comic-sans. Piracy averted!
@RussellBishop Giving birth to the future everyday.
@housyd A chatty sperm bank
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.