@ryanhoonlaverty I’m sure no one bothered to check that because ie makes disabling and enabling javascript a pain. #aea
@eighty5originalIs Was Chris’ early birthday gift your red dress you fixed the zipper to? No wonder he’s pretending…
@grelas greetings from An Event Apart in DC
@theorem_ Nice. Thought you were just quoting a movie. How’s Minnesota. It seems intriguing.
@jenfraiz I thought geeks run on caffeine and sugar.
@beep @160mph That article doesn’t compare setting body font-size to 100% vs 62.5%? Why not make 1em = 10px and make your life easier?
@joshbt gmail doesn’t require JavaScript. They have an HTML version.
@ryanhoonlaverty take notes be tweeting in a feed apart. Long tap and open links in a new page. Multitasking is here today. #aea
@julianomoreira_ nothing short of astounding. #aea
@housyd its magically electric.
@jenfraiz wifi was flaky all day yesterday. I switched to tethering my phone for Internet access on my iPad.
@grum_dot_com #aea if its not one thing, its another. Thats the life of cross-platform development.
@dinalew using my nexus one to tether my ipad so i can use the web.
@printFancy you’re here in DC? We have to meet up.
@meyerweb I hope its strict food and not quirks mode food #aea
@welcomebrand thank you!
@hellogeri look for a picture of him. He’s all decked out and dapper.