@printFancy I love printfancy.com I did the print stylesheet for usnews.com
@printFancy I love printfancy.com I did the print stylesheet for usnews.com
@cohenspire ha that sucks. Go T-mobile
@cohenspire Vomit away while I browse the web on my 3g connection.
@brianjdurkin clearfix isn’t about IE, its about clearing floats in all browsers. Be smart.
@jgarber @ryanhoonlaverty I completely agree. That makes no semantic sense. #aea
@brownpau you’re like a filipino version of @simplebits web dev/space nerd
@knewbaker you’re here too?
@brownpau checkout css3exp.com/moon/ where both worlds combine.
@cohenspire I know object css is really just common sense.
@brianjdurkin here is a more thorough explanation quirksmode.org/css/clearing.html
@talbs I think noobs will make things harder on themselves if they follow object oriented CSS blindly.
@ajruckman I’m sitting right next to someone in the same boat. I’m sure they would be happy to take your money too.
@knomat got my Nexus One with me. And tethering too.
@mrgypson take the Simon challenge
@santoroski the person to my left isn’t.
@trepmal Woohoo congrats! #wordpress
@chriscoyier See the last paragraph is.gd/fcj8x With a rectangle ironing board, how would you de-wrinkle your bonnet?
@MouseyMik Yea, why didn’t you?
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.