@jgreggriffith Ouch! Good luck with the clean-up.
@eighty5original Geez. You might as well spend the night
@eighty5original Josh broke a chair.
@jdroth I’ll share my retirement plan.
@eighty5original How gangsta of you.
@AwesomeRobot I love awesome robots.
@jdroth Wow. WordPress 2.5.
@marcelmoreau Hooray for Saturday auto maintenance
@eighty5original Luck!
@pixelpipe Would this be possible from your API? getsatisfaction.com/pixelpipe/to…
@eighty5original How can honor be restored without a delicious latte?
@eighty5original ahaha.
@boagworld I hear the White House is a nice place.
@kyleballard Oh man, the Dow should have submitted itself to the 10K chaalenge
@drotoriouz 24050 with 174 cars cl.ly/506bb54ab4cedaa49b24
@eighty5original Tell Chris to set-up a VPN connection to your home computer so you can surf block free.
@farrelley It’s a super easy process wpmu.org/how-to-upgrade-wpmu-2-9…
@rochellefp yes.
@netvibes No change. Techcrunch still shows up every couple of minutes with 400 unread items even after marking all as read.