The Long, Slow Decline of BitTorrent – Plagiarism Today plagiarismtoday.com/2017/06/01/t…
The Long, Slow Decline of BitTorrent – Plagiarism Today plagiarismtoday.com/2017/06/01/t…
How did @Google Talk change from a dream to a nightmare? tnhh.net/posts/google-talk.html In my experience the #usability of Google products has quickly become like Microsoft, which means avoid if at all possible. Sad, because they used to be good, Gmail, YouTube and search are ok…
Seva Zaikov – Single Page Application Is Not a Silver Bullet blog.bloomca.me/2018/02/04/spa-i…
The ABCs of Programming:
Completing projects on schedule and under budget whilst providing 100% accurate estimates to management and factoring in all known and unknown acceptance requirements and deliverables.
It’s Just That Easy™️
Glossary of figure skating moves. bit.ly/2Ewxy50
Simple WordPress deploys using Git markjaquith.wordpress.com/2018/0…
This is the story of Twitpic — which launched 10 years ago today medium.com/@noaheverett/the-stor…
Little UI Details – twitter.com/i/moments/8806882336…
Don’t solve problems with software that should be solved with talking.
Who’s ready for the football?
So I got curious why Amazon’s Super Bowl ad won’t trigger the Alexa in your living room to respond: bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018…
i wrote a superbowl fan fiction, where both teams join together and defeat the ball
Bad news web nerds. Punxsapolyfill saw its shadow DOM today so it looks like we’re going to have 2-3 more seconds of blank screen until this page renders.
Windmill high-fives to the @spiritedmediaco product team @kingkool68 @montchr @livlab, @daveburdick and the @denverite crew, and @fundjournalism, our partners in this endeavor!
.@PhillyPolice heard that you may be looking for an alternative to @Crisco for greasing up the poles this weekend – can we interest you in a few barrels of Pornhub lube? t.co/VvK9UDci8k
Pornhub offered Philly 136 “barrels of lube” to grease light poles for the Super Bowl philly.com/philly/super-bowl-lii…
Canary has “Desktop PWAs” behind a flag chrome://flags/#enable-desktop-pwas
Here’s @godaytrip running as a desktop PWA.
This future is exciting. t.co/SyB4dUQ7yy
This wheelchair ramp.
You had one job and messed up plus more fun pics and vids.I do not own any content just a fan/parody*and will remove content @ copyright holders request,email