In contrast, JavaScript is an imperative language, containing exact instructions. @adactio #aeaorl
CSS and HTML are declarative languages. They declare what they want, and the browser figures it out. @adactio #aeaorl
Google: “It just works.”
Apple: “It used to just work.”
So Google’s move is to make the same hardware as everyone else and bet that it does AI better than anyone.
It’s gonna work
As a former Galaxy Nexus user, I’m gonna go ahead and recommend you don’t buy the Verizon Pixel. Unlocked ftw
Daydream View. It’s yoga pants, for your face.
I’m not happy.
A very easy way to improve accessibility is to look at a page without CSS and consider if it makes sense.
@kingkool68 Nice work you’re doing there @billy_penn…
@kingkool68 Are you an astronaut? Because you are out-of-this-world. #TheNiceBot
I like these WordPress plugins, so I put them together into a chained WP-CLI command.…
The schedule for WordCamp Baltimore 2016 is here! Hope to see you there! 🙂… #wordcamp #highered
This scroll effect!!!
shtick —
Before Snapchat Spectacles, there was Narrative. Now they’re shutting down. RIP.… h/t……
“I was told there would be balloons” – Bill
The only winner tonight is the Voyager probe, which is speeding away from the Earth at 17 kilometers/second #debatenight
Lester Holt: ‘Obviously I’m Done Doing This Forever’ #debates
FACT CHECK: audience can clap since we are in OVERTIMEEEEEE
this episode of Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader? is so angry
Do me (yourself and the online world) a favor: learn HTML, CSS and JS before learning any frameworks. Thanks!