If you dreaded going back to work today it’s time you find a new job that excites you! Life is too short to do something you don’t enjoy.
If you dreaded going back to work today it’s time you find a new job that excites you! Life is too short to do something you don’t enjoy.
Thanks @UpshotNYT for shoutout to @pewresearch design crew:Stuff We Liked: Clever Data Visualization, Year in Outrage nyti.ms/1tJkvDj
All technology is “wearable” if you own duct tape
We’ve got big news! The world’s most wearable camera just got better! Get all the details: bit.ly/1Bxd5Sj
If you’re a web developer, a good New Year’s resolution for 2015 is to do at least one project without any JavaScript frameworks.
I still remember 2014 like it was yesterday.
My non-methodical approach to CSS :: css-tricks.com/just-try-and-do-a…
2014 has certainly been filled with lots of joy and surprises, the best was saved for last. Thanks to… instagram.com/p/xTHI0IxzXG/
.@RupertMyers Okay. Sorry for name calling. Eric’s my friend. Good night.
.@RupertMyers Eric wrote a thoughtful post, *not blaming* FB. *You* blamed the victim for oversharing. You connected those dots.
.@RupertMyers A family shared their struggle to save their five year old’s life. FB’s feature implementation ripped open a raw wound.
.@RupertMyers “Most of us lost all sense of shame, any notion of privacy, any concerns about boastfulness.” Own your words.
.@RupertMyers @adactio Should you investigate Eric Meyer, you’ll find he’s about as far from an unconscious web user as it’s possible to be.
.@RupertMyers …in which case, you’d be a monster. Like @adactio, I’ll assume you just picked the wrong day to perform sloppy journalism.
.@RupertMyers—in which case, you’re guilty of shoddy journalism—or you think Eric deserved the pain for his unthinking use of the web…
.@RupertMyers Hi. Either you didn’t read Eric’s post and picked a terrible example to make the case that we should be careful what we share–
Rupert Myers is an idiot.
In 2015 we should stop using the term “#RWD” and call it plain “#webdesign.” There is now little difference.
Just sayin. @RWD @abookapart
Principal @PositiveSpaceGr // Former @AIGAUPSTNY Communications Director // @SCADdotedu MFA Alum // Adjunct Professor @PrattMWP @LindseyWilson @SUNYPolyInst