“Free cloud storage with our product/service/ISP!” is the new AOL CD
“Free cloud storage with our product/service/ISP!” is the new AOL CD
Mind blown. The first link ever posted to @twitter was @feather pointing at my Newton web server.
OK, bye guys heading to North Carolina to hang out with my new favorite person on the entire earth. fox4kc.com/2014/11/17/pro-footba…
[guitar solo ends]
Points out at the crowd
Begins clapping to the beat above head
Approaches mic
“Does anybody have an iPhone 5 charger?”
modernizr, boilerplate, jQuery, bootstrap, tools you use that the end user takes a tax on for your convenience. – @adactio #aeasf
Launched today: a new Certificate Authority for free and automatic HTTPS certificates: letsencrypt.org By EFF, Mozilla, and others.
Why did Google decide to split Inbox from Gmail? tcrn.ch/1y8aVal
Thing I put together last night: styleguides.maban.co.uk/ – a bunch of resources on front-end style guides. Hope people find it useful.
Volume Warning … Scarying Russell during his nap! Lol instagram.com/p/vXGDWfxzTA/
I’ve often said that @yurivictor is the smartest person I know, this talk proves it youtube.com/watch?v=bYOOCG1gAaM
Heartwarming project uses lifelogging cameras to capture the bond between mothers and their babies: goo.gl/enSYwA
Google search now (finally) does timezone math. 😀
I stay up later to indulge in refactoring.
Focus on who you are, who your brand is, and writing for your audience. Think about SEO later. @EricMann of @10up at @WordPressDC
The @WordPressDC stream is at ustream.tv/broadcaster/19300886
Introducing Shortcake, a UI framework for WordPress shortcodes: next.fusion.net/2014/11/10/intro… via @davisshaver @thisisfusion
We are excited to be sponsoring tonight’s @WordPressDC #Meetup at @WeWorkDC Wonder Bread. See you there. ow.ly/E2oSz
Changes are afoot!
Rock out with your Melissa Block out. #nprparty
I can’t believe this, people should boycott…Kmart Black Friday Shopping Will Start At 6 A.M. On Thanksgiving. bit.ly/1x4vxjg