My roundup of DC Accessibility Camp 2011 in now up: #a11ydc #a11y
Uh, @envatowebdev, what the heck are you doing suggesting that people hack WordPress core? (via @robertdall)
40% of tablet news consumers use mainly the browser. Just 22% use apps. New study from @pewresearch
Costumes found scariest by adults: Prostate Cancer Ghost: 22%; Tax Audit Dracula: 31%; Public Speaking Werewolf: 47% #SpookyStats
Lots of stats about the success of NPR’s API in this presentation at the Wolfram Data Summit:… #aea
Ah, it is Washington DC #aea with lots of so -called #UX experts, trying out my MOBILE interrface They like rainbows?
We see more advertising in a year than our grandparents saw in an entire lifetime. #aea
(I hope that I) degrade gracefully.
Designing something? Define design goals (why), which inform design principles (how), which inform design patterns (what). @adactio #aea
This was waaaaaay better than Zeldman’s panel at sxsw. Nothing revelatory, but reinforcement of solid concepts #aea
[Blog] Accessibility Camp DC Review – My main takeaways from today’s event, thank you! #a11ydc #accessibility #dc
The thing that turns me off the most about CSS preprocessors is how intense the users of them are.
Amazing that the team behind theAddThis social bookmarking tool made #accessibility an actual team goal. #BottomUpApproach #a11ydc
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Nice tip found on Reddit today. Just search “IP” on Google to get your IP address:
Making Nine Million Sites More Accessable
45% of scat singers describe the economy as “dee-doo-doop,” 32% say “bibbity-bee-bop,” and 23% say “zippity zow zow zowwwwww.”
got a feeling it’s going to be long week of late night getting ready for Accessibility Camp DC this Saturday and presenting @AccessibilityDC