Featured @authenticjobs: Not a title you see everyday, but one we can all appreciate — Content Engineer at @usnews in DC ajo.bz/j0/9321
Science! news.blogs.cnn.com/2011/07/19/sc…
Welp. Now Hope Solo is our solo hope.
no longer thinks of books in page numbers, but as % completed. #kindlewins at reprogramming my brain
If tipping is always required, then why not just include it in the price and pay your employees better? it all just seems so stupid.
Gosh if there was only a service that’s been around forever where you could listen to any song at any time…
Today’s lesson: Put the Amazon Affiliates code in *before* you publish the most widely-read blog post you’ll ever have. amazon.com/gp/product/0961392142…
I’ve just taken the WordPress 2011 User and Developer Survey, Have You? wpsurvey.polldaddy.com/s/wp-2011… (pass it on)
It’s tech week at Fathom! Tonight, @WordPressDC is.gd/C4HCHq & tomorrow, @DCPHP is.gd/i3k9J0
Making AddThis More Accessible | AddThis Blog: bit.ly/ncSBIF via @AddThis
Hey wannabe coders! Here’s Stanford’s intro to Javascript class online. stanford.edu/class/cs101/ #fb
writing php is a blast if you like reading docs and being surprised a lot.
Tuesday @kingkool68 will present about “Understanding your Audience” and a genius bar will help answer your questions: meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/22…
This Saturday is #Baltimore #Accessibility! Video Captioning on the Web with @kingkool68 – ht.ly/5vqiP /via @karlgroves #a11y
Happy Independence Day! Here’s Abe riding on a giant bear in celebration. bit.ly/l3vUji
Introducing WordPress 3.2, Gershwin: bit.ly/mBKV1C
Twilight – a girls choice between necrophilia and bestiality.
Next Saturday! Video Captioning on the Web with @kingkool68 Baltimore Accessibility. Details located at ow.ly/5vlyR
Loving Google’s new style. Google Calendar’s new look rocks.
24% of those who live in households earning $75K+ own e-book readers: pewrsr.ch/kLnjvQ