@dudleystorey Thanks. I wanted to provide something for people who didn’t have javascript enable hence the graphs are driven from HTML table
Those who have died for our freedom will never be forgotten-let us honor our vets this #MemorialDay. @USMC @USArmy @USNavy @usairforce @USCG
.@davidnoob wrote about being a deaf programmer at a start-up. You should all read it. Especially bosses and designers. davidpeter.me/stories/being-deaf
@corrigancj23 @ubuntourist @jfc3 @charjtf Went to page. Select All. Noticed the shape of a giant E which is what you need to be on to enjoy
Though for sure my dead MacBook Pro was caused by this ping.fm/YMMQw which should have been replaced for free. They cited “loose cabl
With no laptop and no phone at home I kinda wish we had some magazines hanging around. And finally at work I might be getting a standup desk
When cutting and pasting a sentence from a news site, has anyone ever kept in the “Read more: URL” thing it forces you to copy? Anyone ever?
2nd day without a phone. Not really missing it. Weird how all my data is stored online so I could care less about what happened to the phone
Gave original Lightbox2 page a fresh coat of paint. Still gets traffic! lokeshdhakar.com/projects/lightb…
Rewrote script in Coffeescript/jQuery for fun.
Have technology like 200mph trains, holograms, virtual beasts, cameras in trees, yet they still use handheld microphones #ScumbagHungerGames
Nice!! RT @PatriceBTwit RT @webaxe Great site by designer who is colorblind ow.ly/9KE8F #a11y #color #ux HT @AquinasWI @sketchfolio
“[Rather] than replacing media consumption on digital devices, people who go mobile are getting news on all…devices.” — beep.fm/x/nd
With Apple to issuing dividends, Michael Dell was kind of right back in 1997 saying “… and give the money back to the shareholders.” http://
Re-stating my all-you-need-to-know-about-SEO rule: Create awesome/unique content, write good headlines, use WordPress. searchengineland.com/too-much-se…
My new response to random emails from recruiters is to send them the entire text of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland ping.fm/QGxXv
RT @baltimoresun 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679…etc. Happy #PiDay.
“Users associate the right side of a page with text ads and consequently view this area of the page last or not at all” upassoc.org/upa_publications/jus…
After doing pushups 2-3 days a week since January I can now muster 30 pushups in a row before I wear out. When I started I could only do 13.
Google Play: Now your favorite movies, apps, and games are all in one place that’s accessible from the Web and any Android device. http://pi
Lots of people made it up to Snowshoe already. #gacdc snow trip is in full effect. Already had a day on the slopes with every type of weathe