Folding socks, listening to 80’s Pop internet radio station.”Never gonna give you up” came on.Probably the 20th time I was rick rolled today
Folding socks, listening to 80’s Pop internet radio station.”Never gonna give you up” came on.Probably the 20th time I was rick rolled today
For the past month I have been slaving away on U.S.News & World Report’s Best Graduate Rankings -> is.gd/32z Please give it a …
A lot of designers show off logos in their portfolio’s but many don’t explain the process behind them.This guy is different is.gd/27p
@strawpoll Paperclip simply because you can do so much more with the bendy curvy paperclip than a dull right angled staple. http://snurl …
@jasoncalacanis thanks for the link about poor performing Facebook ads. It was a perfect way to end my latest blog post http://tinyurl.c …
I agree with Dvorak, Yahoo! and Microsoft have too much overlap to do anything succesful. Google stock will double this year -> http: …
@jgarber U.S.News would like tot talk to you about Politweets.com as well. Shoot me an e-mail and i’ll put you guys in touch http://url …
U.S.News & World Report is seeking a Manager of Audience and Business Development to develop and manage partnerships in the Health category.
I need a way to manage my wordpress plugins and delete the ones I don’t want. Is there a simple plugin to do that? Plugins folder is a mess.
Sittting behind a bus staring at a “Bus makes wide turns” warning. The graphic shows a bus turning into a car. So y is the sign on the back?
Made some good progress on the Google Charts interface I talked about last night. May write a post and show off a demo later if I find time.
Arh! Why do people feel the need to have umbrellas that are half the size of Rhode Island? Oh yea, we’re in America. Bigger, better, faster!
The sky looks awesome on my walk home. Deep navy sky with muted purple clouds. If time were no object I would be making some long exposures.
Quick thoughts while I wait for a meeting: Hulu looks to be a good service, FCC plans to breakup apartment complex monopolies, and it’s cool
@brownpau Bloglines isn’t doing too bad according to this -> urltea.com/1sww My poor feedreader of choice netvibes could be be …
Crap still winning an auction for a sigma 70-200 f/2.8 for $500. Someone please outbid me i’ve changed my mind tinyurl.com/2zqo5j …
Singing the bubbleman theme song from Mega Man 2 in the shower really pumps me up. SeeqPod.com it if you don’t know what I am talking about.
SeeqPod.com is awesome for making playlists on the fly and searching the entire Internet for MP3 files. Listneing to Dirge by Death In Vegas
@chrisvanpatten I would ask whoever is requiring you to sign the form to explain it since it looks like you are binding yourself to a le …
Every morning I pass by a guy watering plants. I’m jealous of those plants because it looks so refreshing and it is hot and humid here …
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.