This was the first thought that popped in my head after waking up this morning
This was the first thought that popped in my head after waking up this morning
Pog blogs written by dogs in hot summer slogs
startups are just group projects
“The bandwidth and content delivery network alone make it worth the investment” of several hundreds of thousands of dollars for proprietary Arc XP CMS.
Bandwidth isn’t that hard twitter.com/monthly/status/15394…
An extremely underestimated problem in computer science: character counters.
You’d think it’s super straight forward — but it’s actually pretty involved, has a ton of outliers, changes between types of scripts and languages, and is thrown off by emoji.
Some examples🧵1/
This but about using CSS frameworks twitter.com/csallen/status/15393…
Throwback to when phones used to be wild…
One of my absolutely favorite agencies to work with, @yikesinc, is hiring for a WordPress Developer. yikesinc.com/contact/wordpress-d…
I’ve been using a build process based off of @MrAhmadAwais’s WPGulp for some time now.
Decided to put my version out there for anyone else that needs a super simple Gulp-based workflow github.com/kingkool68/super-simp…
The next hosting company that puts a “flush your cache” ad in a restroom at a WordCamp like #WCEU or #WCUS gets my business.
Meant to do this when I released the image processing feature for @YmirApp. But if you want to build a image optimizing CDN with @cloudfront and S3, you can take a look at the Lambda@Edge function that I built. I just open sourced it 🙂
Once I fix my computer it’s over for you glitches
“Primer Prism is a tool for creating cohesive, consistent, and accessible color palettes”
Blog post: github.blog/2022-06-14-accelerat…
Have there been any situations where a hostage is holding up today’s Wordle to prove the date?
Poole + Bmth agencies: Can’t take freelance any longer, so I’m looking to get back into fulltime. I’m a front-end designer/WP guru/UX thinker. Jack-of-all trades, master of at least 3. Main skill is that I’ve been around the block and know shitloads. RTs + steers appreciated!
Can we please talk about the fact that #WordPress themes are not about “colors & fonts”, but are what shapes the markup being generated on the frontend – the super-power that allowed WP to remain relevant across multiple iterations of the web.
=> theme.json is not a replacement.
I’m looking for a partner “back-end” #WordPress engineer to work with me in a 20 hrs/week contractor position at Cornell University College of Business. The deadline to apply is this week, June 16. Please share around. Link with details and how to apply: drive.google.com/file/d/10nVaJ35…
What I was trying to do vs a happy accident
A 20-year veteran “river engineer” who follows 13 accounts about high volatility trading. Also, nice username. twitter.com/chad90989663/status/…
– Last day of soccer for the 5 year old
– End-of-school year party for the 5 year old
– Pool birthday party for the 7 year old
– 2 year old stole my drink when I wasn’t looking
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.